I first started doing real estate deals in Montenegro in 2017. Since then, I’ve been spending a few months per year in Kotor Bay as it’s become one of my favourite European destinations.

Some of my family members even moved full-time to Montenegro. Why? They came to visit me and then never left. Yes, one of my apartments is being squatted 🙂

I had a fun chat with Peter Square Meter, my favorite realtor in Kotor Bay, about the pros and cons of life in Montenegro. He’s been living there for almost 20 years.

Full transcript below

Montenegro is very easy to move to for people from OECD countries. More details on how to get residency in Montenegro.

If you are interested in real estate in Montenegro, which is one of the ways to obtain residency there, then look no further than my analysis of the Montenegro real estate market.

If you want to reach out to Peter Square Meter, you can do so here petersquaremeter@thewanderinginvestor.com. Add you WhatsApp number is you use it.

To a World of Opportunities,

The Wandering Investor.

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Available services in Montenegro:

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Transcript of “The Pros and Cons of living in Montenegro”

LADISLAS MAURICE: Hello, everyone. Ladislas Maurice from thewanderinginvestor.com. Today, I am in beautiful Kotor in Montenegro and I’m here with my favorite real estate agent here, Peter Square Meter.

PETER: That’s me.


PETER: I’m good. Good. How are you?

LADISLAS MAURICE: Good to see you.

PETER: Nice to see you. All right.

LADISLAS MAURICE: Peter square Meter, so we’ve done a lot of deals together over the years.

PETER: Yeah.

LADISLAS MAURICE: I’ve been active here in Montenegro, real estate wise, since 2017 or so.

PETER: Something like that, yes. Yeah, yeah.

LADISLAS MAURICE: Today, we’ll be discussing the pros and cons of living here in Montenegro as an expat. Because you’ve been living here for how long?

PETER: I’ve been here since 2005, so seventeen-and-a-half years so far.


PETER: Yeah.

LADISLAS MAURICE: So he’s a good source of information in terms of the pros and the cons as well.

PETER: Yeah.

LADISLAS MAURICE: Peter, can you give us a bit of an overview?

PETER: Yeah. Overview in terms of living here, lifestyle, that kind of thing?

LADISLAS MAURICE: With the cons.

Amazing lifestyle and beautiful nature

PETER: Yeah, pros and cons. I would say, let’s start with the pros. The pros, so this. This is basically, I brought Ladislas here to one of my favorite cafes by the water in Dobrota. And I work from here. So I just sit here with my phone and I just do a lot of work here, make lots of calls, and so on. So this is my office, that’s probably number one pro.

I think an advantage that Montenegro has over Croatia, for example, which is miles ahead or years ahead in terms of kind of the development in tourism, but Montenegro has a big advantage in terms of lots of things to do in a very, very small space, and it’s very dynamically kind of different. From here, we can go, if it’s not peak season, but in 20, 30 minutes we’re in Tivat, we can go to the beaches at Plavi Horizonti, beautiful sandy beach, nice and shallow, great for kids. We can go to Budva or Herceg Novi, probably names that your audience haven’t heard of. But they’re all quite different places. Or, within two hours, two-and-a-half hours, we can get to the ski resorts and we can go snowboarding.

LADISLAS MAURICE: It’s actually less. If you’re looking at Budva to Kolašin with the new highway, it’s more like an hour-and-a-half.

PETER: Yeah, yeah. So it’s pretty quick. And I think another one of the big pros is, and I’ll get back to my history of why I’m still here, is there’s still lots of potential in Montenegro. I came here in 2005, there was a boom going on. I just caught the beginning of the upsurge of the wave at the right time. And my idea was to be here for three years. After two years, I thought long and hard about where to go next. I was looking for the opportunities. I didn’t have the same resources of the get on a plane and go like Ladislas, but I did my research and so on. And I couldn’t think of anywhere better.

And I was looking around everywhere, like Latin America, or South Africa, wherever it could be, kind of thing. And I found that, in Montenegro, I still had the lifestyle that I liked, still had the cost of living that I liked, still had the opportunities that I liked. And that was it. So it was kind of pointless for me to kind of sell up here and go somewhere else and just start all over. Whereas, I was actually starting to embed myself in this market anyway. So that’s it.

Cost of living in Montenegro

PETER: Another pro is cost of living. Cost of living, although it’s risen a lot because of inflation recently, I would say that the cost of living is still low for Europe.

LADISLAS MAURICE: Like, this beer will be €3.50.

PETER: I think it’s €3.50, yeah. We’re actually on a waterside bar in a very popular area, prime area here.

LADISLAS MAURICE: At a local place, it would be €2.50.

PETER: Yeah, €2.50. And if you’re going to Podgorica, you’re finding some backstreet bar, you might get it for €2 or even less, yeah. So, obviously, higher margins in this area. But again, for the location, I still think it’s kind of quite affordable.

LADISLAS MAURICE: Affordability is definitely a big pro of moving to Montenegro. And then, again, it’s not just a cheap destination. You can live cheap if you want but you can also live a life of luxury if you choose to. So you’ve got Porto Montenegro, you’ve got Portonovi, you have Luštica Bay, you have all these large luxury developments, if that’s what you want, with all the brands, the expensive restaurants, but just around the corner, right behind these developments, you can live like a local for pretty cheap. I think that’s something that I, personally, like about Montenegro, is you have the choice between the two. Montenegro is a fit for a lot of different types of people.

PETER: Yeah. Just to add to what you’re saying, Ladislas, is that I think that for those who don’t know places like Porto Montenegro, Portonovi, and Luštica Bay, these are actually world-class kind of resorts. For example, Porto Montenegro is the only superyacht marina in the world with a platinum status, so it’s way up there. We just sold an apartment there for €5 million. And we sold the one, who the guy’s brother bought an apartment for €3.5 million as well. And I think there’s only one penthouse apartment left. So there’s that level of luxury here.

Also, I used to, because I do some videos and things, and I used to talk about Montenegro becoming a luxury destination. And a couple of years ago, I stopped myself. I was like, well, actually, it is a luxury destination. It’s not becoming, it already is, it’s got a critical mass, it’s got all those things that people want. And again, comparing it with Croatia, I think it’s got way more to offer here, especially in terms of new things, kind of like designs that people want. So rather, if you go to, maybe it’s a bit unkind, in Croatia, Croatia, you’ll have your Gingham check tablecloth, and an overpriced pizza, and kind of average service, and really they’re kind of just hoping that you leave a tip and they don’t really care about you. Here, they really care. You find that the service is so much better.

The styles of restaurants are the latest because everybody now is looking on the internet, what’s cool, what’s new, what’s Phillipe style doing about restaurants or whatever it is. You have great restaurants, kind of cool hangouts, a lot of cool people over here actually, sort of, yeah, it’s kind of now, I’d say, yeah.

Taxes in Montenegro

LADISLAS MAURICE: Cool. So tell us about the taxes if that’s a big pro.

PETER: Oh, I’m not the best person to ask about taxes. Maybe we’ll make a cut here. But I mean, the taxes are pretty good. They have just raised, but I think that’s an inevitable thing because of the pandemic. In general, the taxes are 15%.

LADISLAS MAURICE: Between 9% and 15%, essentially, that’s what you pay when you move here on a worldwide basis. In terms of European destinations, Montenegro is definitely one of the most attractive destinations from a tax point of view. Croatia is absolutely not attractive from a tax point of view. It’s extremely bureaucratic, and taxes are much, much higher. Moving full-time to Croatia, if you have money, is just, generally speaking, a bad decision. But moving full-time to Montenegro makes sense. And chances are, depending on where you’re from, you will be saving money by moving here from a tax point of view and from a cost of living point of view.

Freedom in Montenegro and Montenegro during covid

PETER: I think one of the questions that I get asked a lot is, what is it like to live here in terms of are you bothered by the authorities? And the simple answer is no. It’s kind of, you’ve got your general obligations and so on, but it’s not a nanny state. It’s interesting, in the times of the pandemic, for example, it was quite cool to live here. They had some restrictions, some restaurants and things were closed, but it was quite free and easy, and it’s quite a pleasant place to be. And I think a lot of people have actually started to move here as a Plan B as well. So if the brown stuff hits the fan again, then they want to be here. They don’t want to be in London, or New York, or wherever it is, they want to be here sitting by the water, having a beer, smoking a cigarette if they want to without anybody asking any questions.

LADISLAS MAURICE: Yeah, the levels of freedom here are very high, that’s for sure. That’s definitely a big plus. 

Surging population in Montenegro

LADISLAS MAURICE: And there was a big surge of people moving here during and right after the whole health situation. And now what’s interesting, and that’s a real shot in the arm for the economy, is the population, in the last year, grew about 10% because of an influx of Russians and Ukrainians.

PETER: Yeah. And Belarussians as well, for obvious reasons. Also, as a result of that, the real estate market has boomed and also the rental market has boomed. I think the national figure is around about 40%, and last year the rental prices have gone up. And I think my experience is that probably, in the last couple of years, properties prices have been going up sort of 15%, 20%, so good return on investment for those people who have got in early. I will say that even though Montenegro isn’t necessarily a cheap place, there’s cheaper places in Spain, certainly cheaper places in Italy that you can buy, but they don’t offer the whole package.

If you want to compare this, you probably have to go to the south of France to compare it, to have something kind of equally as nice. But south of France doesn’t even have all of this either.

LADISLAS MAURICE: It’s really sublime here.

PETER: For what you’re getting, I think it’s still very competitive in price. I remember moving from London and comparing the price per square meter, which is why I’m Peter Square Meter, and it was a third of the cost to move to Montenegro. Therefore, I could buy three times bigger, three times better, and so on.

Food in Montenegro

LADISLAS MAURICE: I think this leads us to some of the cons, because you tried to compare Montenegro with Southern France, but the food, the food isn’t really a plus here.

PETER: Do you know what, the food is fine.


PETER: No, no.


PETER: No, no.

LADISLAS MAURICE: He has no clue. [laughs]

PETER: Do you know what, the food is– Let me go back. Let me just say, okay, the food is great. The food is great, but there’s not much choice, there’s not much variety. That’s starting to come. I was in Podgorica, the capital, yesterday, and I see they’ve got Chinese, Asian restaurants, Mexican restaurants, and so on. A lot of it seems to be like a Chinese version of what the Montenegrins would do. Most restaurants, over the last couple of decades, they open a brand new restaurant, great, there’s going to be exciting. Grilled meat, and grilled fish, and salads. It’s like, Oh, really? Can you do something else, please?


PETER: It’s fine. I remember having a conversation with somebody 15 years ago, complaining about this issue. And he said, “Look, but if you’re here on a two-week holiday, and if you can have fillet steak and sea bass every single night of your holiday, you’d be very happy.” I was like, “Do you know what, I would be. But I’d like to have a Thai bean curry once in a while.” I can get that, but I just need to drive to Budva to get the Thai bean curry, or I make it myself.

LADISLAS MAURICE: Yeah, if you’re vegan, this is not the right destination for you.

PETER: My wife is vegan. And I’ve got to say, most of the time, she’s a little bit disappointed. There is food but, again, not much choice. Generally, you’ll have grilled Mediterranean vegetables, or the salads, or vegetable risottos, or veggie pizza.

The people in Montenegro

LADISLAS MAURICE: What about the people? Because you’ve been here for almost two decades, what do you feel? How do you feel about them?

PETER: I think the people they come across, somebody commented about this yesterday, they come across as being quite austere. Normally, especially the men, they’re quite big. The women are quite–

LADISLAS MAURICE: Tallest people in Europe according to ranking.

PETER: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, a lot of NBA kind of basketball players anyway from Montenegro and Serbia. Yeah, the people tend to look a bit stern, but they’re not. You smile at them, they’ll smile back, and they go, “Oh, hi. Come in, have a drink,” or whatever. They just have a more gruff appearance.

LADISLAS MAURICE: They can start yelling quite fast, so people just need to get used to this. You come to Montenegro, and then you’ll be in a shop, and someone’s not happy, they’ll start shouting at you. But it’s just their way of communicating. It doesn’t mean they’re that angry, and they get over it very quickly. So you can have a shouting match with someone and then, like, three days later, it’s fine. It’s just it’s not as polished as it would be in London, for example.

PETER: Yeah, I guess we’re a bit more kind of PC over there, we’re a bit more restrained.

LADISLAS MAURICE: Here, it’s just like raw emotions and people just get over things.

PETER: Yeah, yeah. It’s more Mediterranean, so they’re more emotional. I remember–

LADISLAS MAURICE: But very pleasant.

PETER: Yeah, we had a long walk from, anyway, we had like a 45-minute walk with a friend of mine once. That, to me, is long. [laughs] That was each way. And then we saw two guys kind of shouting at each other. And he actually spoke Montenegrin, this guy. And he said, “Look, you probably think those guys are arguing.” He said, “But they’re not, they’re just talking about football.”


PETER: They’re just having a general conversation about football and they’re just talking normally, but they’re just very, “Oh, yeah? What about Messi?” And someone’s like, “No, no, the other guy is better.” And that was it. It looked like they were shouting but they weren’t. They were conversing.

LADISLAS MAURICE: I do a lot of hiking here, because the hiking is absolutely amazing. Approximately, I think, what, 92% of Montenegro is mountains. So people, when they think Montenegro, they think the Adriatic. But actually, most of the country is mountains, packed with national parks. I do a lot of hiking. And when you go hiking, you don’t meet a lot of people, because not that many people are hiking, but the trails are quite good. And when you do come across people, they’re always offering you cookies, water, etc. If you happen to go by a house and you say hello to people, even if they don’t speak a word of English and you don’t speak a word of Montenegrin or Serbian, they invite you in, they offer you some drinks. People are very, very friendly in a traditional point of view.

PETER: Yeah.

LADISLAS MAURICE: But then they get angry.

PETER: I’ve got a couple of points about that. One is I remember actually going for a walk, and seeing a couple of ladies. And I saw that they had something in their hand and said, “Oh, what have you got there?” They said, “Oh, we’ve got wild asparagus.” I said, “Oh, my God. Wild asparagus, I’ve never even heard of that. Where do you find that?” They said, “Oh, it’s all around. Here, have ours.” So their first reaction was to give us what they– And they insisted. We took the wild asparagus away. That was a typical reaction, yeah.

Who is moving to Montenegro?

LADISLAS MAURICE: I see. What type of people are moving here these days? For example, your customer base, what kind of clients do you have? In terms of not just, because you deal with a lot of investors, people who come here, they want to buy something, rent it out, maybe spend like two, three weeks a year here, the rest of the year put it on Airbnb, whatever. But people who move here, what type of people are moving here amongst your clientele?

PETER: Sure. I would say, actually, the market’s changed a little bit. The market used to be mainly people coming to buy a one-bedroom, two-bedroom apartment, put on Airbnb. They get a mortgage on their property in St. Helens, and then they buy something over here, and then the Airbnb kind of pays for it. That was one type. And it used to be at a certain level, price wise, maybe up to €150,000, €200,000. Now, most inquiries start at €200,000 to €5 million. And it’s people saying, “I want something bigger and I want to move here–”

LADISLAS MAURICE: So your agency is doing well. [laughs]

PETER: Our agency is doing very well, actually, yes. So we’re very happy with things at the moment. So just trying to expand and so on. I was in Podgorica, yesterday, interviewing and recruiting.

LADISLAS MAURICE: Cool. So you say people are buying bigger houses, etc., because they want to move here?

PETER: Bigger houses, and there’s more of an appetite for higher price things. So now, for example, in Tivat, I did a video with some American YouTubers, and we were looking at apartments in Tivat, which were around about €100,000. And I think we had a choice of 20, 30 apartments to look at. Now, there are none left. And now, when I’m looking around Tivat, we’re trying to find something at €200,000 starting price for a one-bedroom apartment, for something decent. You can find cheaper, you can find property prices below €100,000, but they’re not the type of properties that people are looking for. People are looking for maybe new buildings, or they want to have a sea view, if it’s two bedrooms, they want two bathrooms. They want to have the modern amenities.

Russians and Ukrainians in Montenegro

LADISLAS MAURICE: And I really want to reiterate this point about all the Russians and Ukrainians moving here, because it’s a huge positive for the economy. You have 60,000 to 100,000 people, essentially, that have moved here from Russia and from Ukraine, that are now living here yearlong. Traditionally, Russians, Ukrainians, just like everyone else, would just come for summer, etc., and then go back home. But now they’re staying yearlong. And it’s a very entrepreneurial class that is moving over here. The Russians coming here, you’ve got remote workers, people that are dodging the draft. They’re trying to do business here, they’re doing renovation works, they’re starting businesses, etc. And same thing with Ukrainians who are moving here.

It’s not Ukrainians that need money. Ukrainians that need money or government support are all going to the European Union. And Ukrainians who want a career and a job, they’re going to the European Union. Ukrainians that are coming here, and there are a lot of them, they’re all entrepreneurs, because they don’t need government support, they don’t want government support. They just want to do their online work, or they want to start a business here, etc. For the economy, it’s fantastic to have mostly young people, 60,000 to 100,000, young people. We’re talking of a country of–

PETER: 660,000.

LADISLAS MAURICE: 660,000, and you’ve just added, like, nearly 100k people that live here year-round, that are working online. They’re not necessarily paying a lot of taxes because a lot of them, a lot of the Russians and Ukrainians, when they earn money online, they don’t declare anything here. But they’re living here, they’re paying rent, they’re helping the local businesses, they’re paying VAT. Most of them created a company to be able to get residency here, so they’re still contributing to the Social Security, etc., paying some taxes on their local salary, etc. For the economy, it’s fantastic.

You had essentially an aging population, just like in most of southern Europe, and now you have 60,000 to 100,000 young people, mostly a lot with families. The schools in Tivat are bursting. They’re even considering opening new schools, because the schools are packed. For the economy, it’s fantastic. If the conflict were to stop, hopefully, soon, a lot of them would go back, but many of them would actually stay here. In the building where I own an apartment, now it’s, suddenly, all Ukrainians and Russians that are renting. And when I talk to them, many of them are saying, “We don’t want to go back.” Like, why would we go back to Ukraine or to Russia, where it’s cold, etc., blah, blah? Here, life is relatively affordable, not that much more expensive than in Russia or Ukraine. And just, the lifestyle is just so much better. A lot of them will stay here.

It’s a permanent positive shot in the arm for the Montenegrin economy, in terms of demographics and for the economy as well. This is something that I didn’t quite realize until I arrived here about two weeks ago. And the change compared to prewar is very visible.

PETER: I think, adding to that, it’s the opposite, that a lot of countries suffer a brain drain, and Montenegro is actually experiencing a brain injection. Now, when I’m looking for more staff, etc., I’m recruiting, and go like, do you know what, I need to tap into this kind of Russian, Ukrainian, Belarussian, because you’ve got some very, very smart people–

LADISLAS MAURICE: Who speak English.

PETER: great experience. They have a professional kind of attitude towards things. The local mechanic, I used to go to a local mechanic. Now I go to one which is run by kind of the Ukrainians and Belarussians there. And they’re excellent. They’ve been trained by the Germans, or the Russians, or whatever it is, so they have very high standards. And their business is booming, they’re doing fantastic business.

LADISLAS MAURICE: The feedback I’m getting from people who do renovation jobs here is that now, increasingly, they’re trying to recruit Ukrainians and Russians, because they’re more competent, or they’re raising the standards compared to local people, because they left, they come here, they have essentially nothing, they need to start a business from scratch. They’re very motivated.

And then also, it’s not just Russians, Ukrainians, and people from Belarus, but also a lot of Germans are moving here. A ton of Germans. There, it’s a bit different. It’s mostly antigovernment Germans who didn’t like the whole situation in Germany, the whole politics. Many of them move down here on a permanent basis, so also very good for the economy. And quite a few Americans and Canadians, though a lot less than Germans, are moving here. And a lot of Turks. A lot of Turks that don’t agree with politics back home, they’re moving here. In many ways, the Montenegrin economy is like the VIX on the Stock Exchange, when things are going bad in the world, people just come here.

PETER: It’s true, actually. I’ve noticed, I would say, like nearly two decades I’ve been here that despite kind of downfalls in the world economy, the great financial crisis, and so on, things will either plateau or they’ll actually spike here. And it can be, for example, we had a wave, maybe about four or five years ago, of Turks coming over here. They were anti the regime in Turkey, but also there were smart ones that said, “Look, we need to get our money out of the Turkish Lira and put it into an asset but also an asset which is going to grow as well.”

On the growing side of things, like I said, in last couple of decades, I’ve seen the momentum, how it’s grown, how the kind of five-star kind of luxury tourism has kind of moved to Montenegro. And I can’t see that momentum changing for the next two decades. I think it’s just going to continue in the same vein, which is, obviously, going to give more offers, nicer restaurants, nicer service, prices will increase inevitably, but you’re coming to a really unique exclusive luxury destination. And obviously, values are going to increase.

Airport connections in Montenegro

LADISLAS MAURICE: I think we also need to discuss, because people who follow me on this channel typically travel quite a lot, connectivity. Montenegro airports, a bit of an issue, I’d say, for people who travel a lot.

PETER: Yeah. Do you know what, you’re better, because I should have left 15 years ago [laughs] but I didn’t. I would say it’s not bad. You normally, basically, you’re an extra hop away. You’ve got two airports which are quite good here. In fact, Tivat, I think, is one of the busiest airports in the whole of the Balkans. Tivat, for a small town, has a busier airport, I think, then Ljubljana in Slovenia. It’s very busy. There were a lot of low-cost airlines coming here, but I think they’re cutting back on some of their routes around the world. So some of those have cut back. But I think it’s a very simple hop. A lot of my clients from the US they’ll fly via Istanbul directly into Montenegro.

LADISLAS MAURICE: It’s peak season. Essentially, in summer, Montenegro is very well-connected, but it’s a little expensive, because it’s seasonal. In winter, Montenegro is not very well-connected, but then it’s a bit more affordable. Generally speaking, you have to transit either through Belgrade or through Istanbul, generally speaking. For people who are constantly traveling, Montenegro can be a little challenging. Personally, I come to Montenegro a lot. I travel quite a bit, but when I come here, I come here for the whole summer.

Right now, July, August, I’m staying put in Montenegro. I’m not going anywhere. I’m very happy here. This is where I spend all my summers. I can’t think of any better place in the world to spend July and August. But it’s just I understand that if I, like, I’m not trying to fit in business meetings somewhere else in July, August. It’s just I’m being very European, in July, August, I’m just thinking you’re not going anywhere.

PETER: Actually, on the connectivity is interesting because Montenegro, as a small country, it also means that the borders aren’t too far away as well. I wouldn’t recommend in July and August, but if I want to go to Dubrovnik, it’s two hours away.

LADISLAS MAURICE: Yeah, it true. Dubrovnik Airport.

PETER: If I want to go to Bosnia, Trebinje. You have Čilipi Airport, which is about 90 minutes away. I can get to Trebinje, very inexpensive. You go into Bosnia, some great restaurants, very, very friendly, lovely people.

LADISLAS MAURICE: Yeah, Bosnia is awesome.

PETER: Albania, got to see Albania. It’s very interesting. It’s not as dramatic in terms of scenery and so on, but it’s a nice place to experience.

LADISLAS MAURICE: It’s at a discount.

PETER: I wouldn’t invest there, but that’s my own personal feelings. I think that I’ve found like a jewel of the crown in the Bay of Kotor. I think it’s a great place. And also, having said that, the northern Montenegro Kolašin is also very good.


PETER: And Serbia, so for example, as a family man now, my wife is actually Croatian-born but family lives in Serbia, we can drive to Belgrade in seven or eight hours, we can drive to Novi Sad in maybe 9, 10 hours. It’s quite easily kind of connectable. If we want to go on holiday, we can drive to Greece or get on a ferry and go to Italy and take the car there. It’s not too bad. It’s a bit more effort, but I remember, I met a guy who did a platinum course with Tony Robbins. And he spent a lot of money, it was six figures. And said, “Well, what’s the main outtake that you had?” He said, “Well, is the pain worth the gain?” And I think it is. If I have to make a bit of extra effort to travel from Montenegro, it’s worth it.

LADISLAS MAURICE: Fantastic. I wrote a whole article on the real estate investment market here in Montenegro, there’s a link below in the description. And if you’re interested in real estate here in the Bay of Kotor, so we’re talking Luštica, Tivat, Kotor, Herceg Novi, that whole region, really do get in touch with Peter Square Meter. He helped me source a few properties, and he also helped me sell a few properties over the years.

PETER: Link’s in the description.


PETER: Yeah.

LADISLAS MAURICE: All right. Peter, always a pleasure.

PETER: Always a pleasure, Ladislas.


PETER: Yeah. Okay, thank you. Don’t forget to like and subscribe.