There are multiple tax schemes available to people who decide to make Italy their primary tax residency.

  • Flat tax of €200,000
  • 7% tax on worldwide income for pensioners who move to some regions
  • Incentives for employees and independent workers who relocate to Italy

Combined with a thorough tax treaty network, Italy can be an a great place to relocate to.

But how to move to Italy?

For EU passport holders it’s easy – just show up.

Non-EU passport holders have a few ways to get there apart from the usual work permit and marriage options:

  • Passive income
  • Representative office of a foreign business
  • Digital nomad visa

All lead to permanent residency and citizenship with significant time spent on the ground.

Nicolo and I discussed this in detail. He has a firm specializing in helping people relocate to Italy and optimize their taxes.

You can find more information on how to obtain residency in Italy and benefit from tax incentives.

You can also get in touch with Nicolo.

We can help you leave your country and lower your taxes

We have a very wide network of immigration and tax professionals across the world who can help people start a new life elsewhere while benefiting from lower taxes and more freedom.

We deal directly with Canadians who want to leave Canada.

We work with partners who can help US people leave the US and optimize their situation.

Depending on the case at hand, we can also help people from other nationalities or direct them to professionals who can.

To a World of Opportunities,

The Wandering Investor.

Other Countries to get Golden Visas and Citizenships by Investment

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If you want to discuss your internationalization and diversification plans, book a consulting session or send me an email.