Residency & Citizenship by Investment
Explore programs that offer residency or citizenship in exchange for qualifying investments.
Have a Baby in Mexico for Permanent Residency
If you plan on having kids, and are interested in Plan Bs and options in life, then look no further than...
Beware of the Bond option when obtaining Citizenship by Investment
"It costs you nothing" is what some passport sellers will tell you. Saint Lucia recently introduced a bond...
Easy 4 year residency for past tourists in Mexico
The Mexican government came up with a program to legalize people in Mexico. Under these terms, anyone who...
Panama Permanent Residency in ONE trip
Many people talk about the famous Friendly Nations Visa to obtain residency in Panama. The most common way...
Pros and Cons of the Saint Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment
With things becoming ever crazier, having a second passport is more important than ever. It is the ultimate...
The Pros and Cons of Obtaining Residency in Costa Rica
There is a lot to like about Costa Rica: Great weather Amazing national parks Same time zone as North...
How to Obtain the Panama Retirement Visa
What if I told you that you can obtain the Panama Retirement Visa by simply demonstrating retirement income...
Required paperwork for citizenship by investment programmes
Not just a birth certificate... A little-discussed aspect of the citizenship by investment space is the...
Easy Permanent Residency in Ukraine – IT specialist
You won't hear about this anywhere else than through The Wandering Investor. There is a little-known...
How to obtain Permanent Residency in Panama
Panama has been known for years as an undemanding place in which to obtain permanent residency. Its Friendly...
How to Obtain Residency in Colombia
Colombia is currently one of the easiest places in the world to obtain residency in, and it's a lovely...
Europe’s least-known tax haven: Bosnia
Few people are able to locate Bosnia on a map. Those that do, typically think of civil war. However, beyond...