Mar 16, 2022 | Private List update
Moving overseas is a great way to experience life to the fullest. Doing it as a single individual, or a couple without kids is easy enough. However, as soon as kids are added to the mix, expats find themselves looking for international school options, which can be...
Mar 3, 2022 | Private List update
I’m spending a bit of time in Switzerland and made this sort video to elaborate on some of my thoughts related to this absolute tragedy. Please keep the civilians, soldiers, and families of soldiers on both sides of the conflict in your prayers. Ultimately, they...
Feb 15, 2022 | Private List update
Outside of Europe, people rarely talk about investing in the Swiss stock market. Sure, people invest in the Swiss Franc (CHF), and open bank accounts in Switzerland, but Swiss equities are never really discussed anywhere. But according to Franck Béon, who has worked...
Feb 10, 2022 | Residency & Citizenship by Investment
You won’t hear about this anywhere else than through The Wandering Investor. There is a little-known programme in Ukraine meant to foster innovation in the country. If you are an IT specialist, you can potentially easily obtain permanent residency in Ukraine....
Feb 5, 2022 | Private List update
I’m very likely to invest in a single-project real estate fund in Ukraine which will focus on an office building in Kyiv, the capital city. “Really?” To people, “Ukraine” means war with Russia and “Office Building” means death...
Jan 26, 2022 | Alternative Investments
Just to make things clear upfront, as there are many South Africans on this mailing list, I am not at all bullish South Africa. However, I am bullish on some of the more dynamic African frontier stock markets south of the Sahara. I explained my rational in this...
Jan 20, 2022 | Private List update
When I mention investing in historical buildings in Kyiv, I often get a strange look. Just look at this beautiful chart of: a crashfollowed by a few years of consolidation and an uptick In spite of everything that you read in mainstream news, the Ukrainian economy has...
Jan 17, 2022 | Residency & Citizenship by Investment, Featured
Panama has been known for years as an undemanding place in which to obtain permanent residency. Its Friendly Nations Visa residency was widely recognized in the immigration world as one of the easiest, and providing applicants with a wide array of benefits. Up until...
Jan 17, 2022 | Precious Metals can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: 2022 Gold, Silver, Uranium outlook with expert speculator Lobo ( Click to watch the Youtube video I don’t just invest in emerging market real...
Jan 6, 2022 | Residency & Citizenship by Investment
Colombia is currently one of the easiest places in the world to obtain residency in, and it’s a lovely country. There are tons of visa categories available such as family reunification, business owners, etc. However the most interesting ones for us investors...