Many real estate markets in the world are booming on the back of Central Bank liquidity. Hungary is also seeing a boom of its own in rural areas close to Budapest. The outskirts of Budapest are doing well as well, thanks to government incentives and mortgage lending for new buildings.

However, the overall data is hiding that real estate prices in the gorgeous historical center of Budapest have taken a serious hit. This market had a huge proportion of Airbnbs, which have been devastated by the government’s closed border policy. Most Airbnb owners have rotated to long term rentals, thus flooding this market and compressing rental yields. Many owners have had to sell.

Back in November, I had written an article on real estate in Budapest stating that people should wait before buying. I was right. Unlike in most markets, prices dropped heavily in downtown Budapest.

In this video with Benedek, my real estate buyer’s agent in Budapest, we discuss the latest Budapest real estate market developments, and how to profit from the coming end of the mortgage payment moratorium.

00:00 Budapest real estate market overview
02:28 Apartment visit in 5th district, Budapest
07:14 The real estate rental market in Budapest, yields, and Airbnb
09:26 Hybrid rental solutions in Budapest for better yields
10:09 Renovation costs in Budapest, Hungary
12:42 Mortgage Moratorium in Hungary and how to profit

If you are interested in Budapest real estate, do learn more about Benedek’s buyer’s agent services here or send him an email at

Also, feel free to get in touch with my lawyer for your real estate legal needs in Budapest here.

To a World of Opportunities,

The Wandering Investor

Articles on Hungary:

Available services in Hungary:

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